About the Enneagram

The enneagram is a powerful personality typing and self-development model. It describes nine different patterns of how we perceive the world and what motivates our behaviour.

It’s based on a diagrammatic model that shows how these nine types relate to each other. It provides a map we can use to guide our self-development.

The enneagram is much more than just a personality typing tool. It focuses on bringing automatic patterns of behaviour into our consciousness, and so gives us an opportunity to make profound changes.

Each of the nine types sees the world very differently. Depending on our type, we develop strategies to navigate through life and situations. These strategies can serve us well, but without self-awareness, they can also limit us and keep us stuck. The enneagram helps us to notice and relax these patterns so we can live more freely and more fully.

Understanding and using the enneagram helps to build understanding and compassion in our personal and work relationships.

The Nine Types

Type 1: The Reformer

I am focused on how I can improve the world around me, and I take responsibility for getting things right. I have developed high internal standards for myself and others. This can make me super critical of myself and I can be resentful when others don’t do their fair share. My strengths are diligence, working hard to make things better, integrity, self-restraint and accuracy.

Type 2: The Helper

I am focused on the needs of others. Connection and relationships are especially important. I want to help, and I often feel that I am best placed to meet others’ needs. I feel particularly hurt if I think I am overlooked or unappreciated for my efforts. My strengths are supporting others, being a good networker, maintaining relationships and being organised and getting things done.

Type 3: The Achiever

I am focused on success and achieving goals. I work hard and have a driving energy. I like to be the best at whatever I do, and I like people to notice my success. I can change my style in order to best meet the challenges and can therefore lose sight of the real me. My strengths are competence, efficiency, being able to motivate others, having high levels of energy and passion for the task.

Type 4: The Individualist

I am focused on things that have beauty, value and purpose, especially things that I connect with emotionally and I have a sense of my own uniqueness. I have a sense of what seems to be missing and can dwell on sad feelings. My strengths are being in touch with my feelings and inner life and this gives me the ability to be empathetic to others. I am authentic, idealistic, and creative, often able to find unique solutions.

Type 5: The Investigator

I am focused on gaining knowledge and expertise that helps me to be self-sufficient. I tend to be a private person. I don’t like it when others are too intrusive, and I don’t enjoy small talk. I like to plan my day to ensure I allocate my time and resources and don’t welcome interruptions. I like to know in advance what is expected of me, and I need time to process my feelings. My strengths are being able to observe and analyse, being calm in a crisis, being tolerant, thoughtful, and perceptive.

Type 6: The Loyal Sceptic

I am focused on the potential pitfalls and risks in situations. I have a questioning mind looking for the things below the surface and can become doubtful if I sense any incongruity. I am usually well-prepared and I am good at analysing, using logic to figure things out. I am quick-thinking and witty. I am a loyal and supportive friend, standing up for the underdog. My strengths are trustworthiness, warmth, perseverance, and intuition. Despite my fears, I can be very courageous.

Type 7: The Enthusiast

I am focused on all the exciting possibilities in life and planning for the future. I want to experience life to the full. I hate feeling constrained or limited in any way. I see interconnections and patterns between seemingly unrelated things. I like to keep life upbeat and not dwell on pain or disappointments. My strengths are big strategic thinking and coming up with new ideas. I have high energy and optimism and can inspire, charm and disarm others.

Type 8: The Challenger

I am focused on truth and fairness and on being a strong person who can take control of situations and who is ready to stand up against injustice of any kind. I am quick thinking and act quickly and decisively. I seek to empower those around me, and I hate feeling powerless myself, finding it difficult to show any vulnerability. My strengths are being assertive, decisive, energetic and persistent and I can be truly kind and magnanimous.

Type 9: The Peacemaker

I am focused on trying to keep life harmonious and comfortable. I am generally easy-going, warm and find it easy to build rapport with others. I don’t like conflict, going along to get along and forgetting my own wants and needs and I can find it hard to say no. My strengths are empathy, supportiveness, steadfastness and acceptance of others. I can see all sides of a situation which can make me a good mediator and diplomat.